Remember watching TV serials or cartoons and u see 2 small creatures 1 at the left and the other at the right. 1 dressed in red like a devil and the other in white with wings? It represents voices speaking to each other when a person is in decision making mode.
Well, I do not believe there is 2 sides in everyone of us. In fact I believe there are numerous sides in all of us. For a human, 2 sides are really arguably too simple. The human mind is more capable then just good and evil. There are certainly grey areas in all of us and some regions beyond comprehension. Do we laugh because we are happy or because our thoughts are filled with sinister desires? Do we cry because we are experiences sorrows or because we are happy? Do we truely sacrifice ourselves to help or do we do it to attain immortality (recorded in history).
In this case one of the subconcious characteristics takes the form of a reptile...a snake...the latin snake.
An ocean of questions, a lifetime of searching. Just who is the latin snake? Is he good or is he bad? He may be both or he may be neither. But one thing is for sure the latin snake is growing at an alarming rate. So astounding that the presence cannot be ignored for it may devour the master once and for all.Confident, flamboyant, with a pinch of arrogance. That is the characteristics of the latin snake. The lain snake has always been known to coil and srike with precision. Gentle, smooth and some say sexy. But when
provoked it strikes terror at the hearts of its enemies. Now the problem comes when the snake is no longer tame. This snake is vicious. It wans to be the boss. It sees the master as the enemy. It is trying to take over the body tat once taken care of him when it is an infant.
This is my attempt to tame the latin snake. However, if u take away the craftiness, the naughtiness and the cheekiness, it will not be the latin snake. But if u control it and harness its powers then you have truely gain an ally. I must be victorious!!! To win this battle, one must know what is feeding the snake. Why has it gone outta control? Can inner peace be restored? I must subdued the latin snake. Matching its craftiness with my wits. Spar with him with speed that matches its strikes.
" Because at the end of the day when i stand and look myself in the mirror, i stand tall, toe to toe, see myelf eye to eye, judge myself pound per pound. I know i have given my 100%. I have done my best, my very best. If nobody appreciates and sees things my way so be it. They will know they have lost something vaulable. Even if things don't work out well, I will always know I walk away proudly... as a a winner."
Ben Tay '08