Back from Redang Island. Oh Yeah!!! Instead of boring everyone with details of the trip, I'm going to describe the 3 days with photos and short sentences. Thats right, cut the crap and get down to the fun stuff!!!
After 9 hours bus journey, we finally reach the Jetty.
Lovely sun rise!!!
Sun Rise at 0645 hrs

A young photographer at work

Finally set foot on Redang Bay
Qiang and Peiling
Qiang trying the backflip

Group pose.
Rest n Relax!!!
After lunch, we set sail to the coral reefs for snorkeling. The day was cloudy and for a moment I thought it would rain. Fortunately everything went on smoothly and snorkeling was a joy.
Ready for action!!!
Can't wait to take the plunge!!!
Lets do it!!!

Chong teaching swimming!!!
Slowly, take it easy!!!
Gasping for air.
Woohoo!!! No problem!!!
All the tired faces.
After snorkeling, we headback for a short rest and after dinner. It's photo taking time again!!!
In the midst of taking photos. It suddenly poured. Oh my God, I gotta save the camera!!! Nothing to do at night really so slept early that night. Its a blessing in disguise though coz I feel recharged for Day 2!!!