I had taken some pics during my trip to river hong bao. I am actually quite new to shooting at night. Well, everything has its first time. Here are some pics I had taken with my 400D.
The pictures focus are o.k. However, the quality can be better if they are taken with a tripod. SO.... that will be my next purchase. They are also taken with different brightness to create a different mood. Although I do find the first picture slightly underexposed but somehow the "darkness" of the pic is quite enchanting.

The lighting for the second pic (on top) is quite nice and adequate. The pic is crisp and clear but the building on the far right emits too much light for my liking. By and large I am quite happy with them as they are taken without the help of a tripod. Now, I am really curious about the result of landscape shots when a tripod is used. O.K... waiting for the next pay cheque!!!

Here is another picture of lantern pigs. It was taken with built-in flash. I find taking pictures of light emitting objects quite difficult. Somehow they dun really appear as what u see with your eyes. Perhaps more research is needed in this area. hmmmm........