"Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!!!!!!"
I do find horoscope fascinating and strange at the same time. People tend to believe them when their horoscope are telling them positive things. When the information revealed some negative parts, people just say "Take it with a pinch of salt!!"
Call me inquisitive or curious. I do noticed Chinese zodiac and Western astrology reports different information from each other. SO...which one should I believe??? Anyway I am quite lucky as I am born in the year of the horse(Chinese Zodiac) and I am a Sagitarius (Western astrology). Pretty simple as both of them are related to the horse. Hahahaha!!!!
Here is a picture that I designed using photoshop for one of my school projects.

Anyway no matter what animal horoscope we belong to....the bottom line is we are pretty much related to primates. Chimps are our nearest cousin. In fact chimps are 98% human. According to the discovery channel. There was a chimp that walks upright like a human and is 99% human. This discovery did raise a eyebrow or two. So dun monkey around!!!