Guess what?! I have just completed and recevied my 20th star!!! Whahahaha!!! persistence and hardwork sure paid off. I do feel a little bit lighter and fitter. Ahhhhhh the word "feel". A very intriguing word indeed. Highly subjective in terms of training though.
Why??? Before the age old question, let me ask myself why not?? According to www.dictionary.com the word "feel" is a noun. Feel has no numbers therefore no statistics. It is a particular sensation or impression. It is for one to become conscious of. So what is it gotta do with training??
A major flaw in the training program was discovered after much pondering about this subject. Although records are made for the number of times that I trained as well as the type of training I've gone through, however no records are made to capture the gains of the results. Initially I can press about say about 30 kilograms, now I can press 50 or 60 kiligrams without much of a problem. Since the improvements are not recorded, I cannot really tell how much I have improved.
Of course when this program was mapped out in the beginning, the goal is to build general fitness. And gains not neccesary means heavier weights. Nevertheless, a chart has to be formulated to suit the needs of future training sessions.
As Bruce Lee once said
"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."