Initially, I was quite apprehensive about it. But what the heck here it goes.
Life is short so while u are at it...PARTY!!! Partie Days are dedicated to people in my lives. You know who u r!!!
In my opinion it all comes down to one's desire and hunger. I read an article from www.bodybuilding.com about this. It goes something like this. "I think I should diet, I think I should exercise. I should do this........should do that........ All of this doesn't get you anywhere. I want to stay healthy, I want to learn something, I want to change my life is a different proposition all together now. By changing the "shoulds" to "wants" can really have a drastic change in ones' life. "
How true is that? I really feel excited by this information. BUT It’s nothing new. You and I know it. Your neighbours know it, children know it too. Nothing complicated, nothing fancy, not ambiguous or equivocal. It’s really simple. It’s whether we apply it to our lives. Its about carrying out the actions required even for the smallest change or improvements. Its all about "want".
"In the old days of bodybuilding, they trained triceps on the same day as chest. Actually, many bodybuilders still do this. However, this old-school technique may not be the best way to go if you're looking for optimal triceps size or if your triceps are lagging.
By training tri's after chest to "finish them off," you're not using optimal weight for overloading the triceps, as they've already been partly worked as part of your chest routine. Giving your triceps your full focus by hitting them with heavier weights while they're fresh will improve your results."
Intriguing piece of information. Maybe the next training programme needs to be slightly altered to suit my body type.
"It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever."
Philip Adams