This story is purely fictional. Any resemblence to anyone is purely coincidental. The story may be made up but the photos are real. Enjoy the story.
Ring Ring....
Ben: "Hello?"
Stanley: "Brother, 你有空吗 (you free)?
Ben: "Ya, wats up?"
Stanley: "Millineum Walk 有一场比赛 (competition) you interested?"
Ben: "比赛? Football?"
Stanley: "是赛车(Car Race). Bring camera."
Ben: "Hello? Hello?"
30 mins later...
Oh man, where is Stanley. He should be here long ago. Suddenly, a tap on my shoulders.
Stanley: "Brother!!! 快 快 (quickly), The race gonna start.
Stanley: "And I'm racing"
Ben: "WAAA, brother, 你有 race?"
Stanley: "你就 stay here 帮我拍." (take pictures)

Stanley's ride
Wow, so many cars, so many people. I took a look at the board and was astounded by the list of drivers.
Name: Takashi
Country: Japan (Tokyo)
Professional exp: 4 Yrs
Occupation: Street Racer turned pro
Car Race NO: 01
Name: Bryan McCarthey
Country: USA (California)
Professional exp: 6 Yrs
Occupation: Mechanic/Rally navigator
Car Race NO: 02
Name: Lee Ming
Country: Taiwan (Taipei)
Professional exp: 3 Yrs
Occupation: Partime Basketball coach/Illegal racer
Car Race NO: 07
Name: James Throttle
Country: U.K (England)
Professional exp: 5 Yrs
Occupation: Street Racer/Businessman
Car Race NO: 04
Name: Kenny Mckinley
Country: Australia
Professional exp: 5 Yrs
Occupation: Mechanic/Street Racer
Car Race NO: 08
Name: Lee Pong Mun
Country: Korea (Pusan)
Professional exp: 3 Yrs
Occupation: Gas attendant/Street Racer
Car Race NO: 03
Name: Stanley Wan
Country: Singapore
Professional exp: -
Occupation: M.E/tofu delivery
Car Race NO: 05
Oh my....What is he thinking, taking on these guys. Half of them are street racers and pros. He is dead meat.

A deafening roar and the crowd went wild. 3, 2, 1. GO!!!

The lights turned green, the unmistaken horn sounded. The checkered flag waved. And Takashi's car NO:01 burn rubber and in a flash he was moving to top spot.

Takashi: "Eat dust, you Bakas (idiots)"
Smoke. dust and particles rise into the air, leaving the rest in a state of confusion.

Crash, boom, bang!!!

The scene was chaotic, drivers frantically swerving to prevent any collisions. Those who crashed just stepped on the gas to power their way through. Takashi got a head start. A very good head start indeed.
"Not so fast Takashi, this race has only just begun. Besides I got an old score to settle with you." A cracking voice boomed through the radio. Who is that? A metallic blue car moving at a speed like a silver blue bullet. It's Bryan McCarthey from USA. Wow, what raw speed and power!!!

Oh where is Stanley. Where is the NO:05??? What is that? A green with red stripes car. NO?? It couldn't be.... Its NO:05 catching up to the race leaders. Woo hoo its Stanley.
"What how can it be? Impossible!!!" screamed McCarthey.

"I'm not going to let some nobody beat me!!!" yelled McCarthey. Vrroom!!! He stepped on the accelerator so hard that the pedal might be stuck to the floor for all I know.
Oh God, looks like Stanley is fading further and further. In fact the other cars are catching up. His only chance is to beat them at the bend with skill.

Stanley NO:05 fading away
True enough, when the corners and bends appeared, Stanley began to picked up speed, in fact he was drifting!!! He negotiated the corners like a ballet dancer executing those graceful manouveurs. Its so pleasing on the eye. The fans were mesmerized. "Woooah" the sound of the fans almost echoed that of a packed football stadium. The fans have never seen such precision and passionate driving.

Turning at the first corner

Negotiating the bend
In a few moments, Stanley was up there with Takashi and Bryan McCarthey.
McCarthey: "There is no way you gonna catch me!!! Activate Nitro!!"
"What? Nitro? It is banned in this race" Stanley exclaimed.
"Go home and be a cry baby wahahahahaha!!!!" shouted McCarthey.

McCarthey speeding away from Takashi
At the moment, Takashi and Stanley was neck to neck for 2nd position.
Takashi: "Oh no you are not going to take my place."
What is Stanley gonna do now? Final lap, can he clinch it. A corner just in front can he piped Takashi for the 2nd spot.
Great defensive driving from Takashi, he make the turn with no space to spare at the inner side. But wait what is Stanley doing? He is trying to overtake Takashi from the outside. How can this be? Before I can gasp, Stanley turned and drifted into position.
"Now!!!" he shouted. With full throttle he sped pass Takashi like a seasoned pro. What the.....How can it be?

Stanley speeding off
Vrooom. NO:04 came from behind and BANG!!! Who is that? Its James Throttle street racer cum business man. "Hey, your car needs some servicing how about repairing it at my shop. I can give you a discount"
Stanley is in trouble time is running out or rather the lap is runnong out. And here is a lunatic trying to talk business while banging up his ass.
"No thanks, I got my own mechanic" replied Stanley cooly.
"Besides, you charge way too high!!!" With that Stanley beat him at the turn and left the business man fuming.

Drifting a few corners and finally catching up with top spot. Stanley was just about to taunt McCarthey when James Throttle caught up and offer another propostion.
"You frequent my shop and I give you free drinks and a discount card" he beamed.
Oh shit, talk about hard customers, this is one hard seller. Stanley rammed McCarthey at the side forcing him to the safety barriers.

"What the hell are you doing?" McCarthey shouted. He sped off with more Nitro at the bend and he crashed into James Throttle ridiculous pink car.
Wham!!!! "Well, at least there will be a customer for you James" laughed Stanley. At the nick of time Stanley crossed the finishing line and was declared champion.

This story is purely fictional. But the photos are real. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Stanley for inviting me down to the race. Thanks again!!!