Anyway I am more interested in taking pictures at Redang. So I took out my polariser and snapped away Wahahahaha!!!!
O.K here is the verdict. The circular polariser has the ability to get rid of unsighty reflections.
I know these pics turns some of my fellow work mates off. Wait till you guys see this!!!
Don't tell me he is thinking of buying a multimeter!!!
A photo of my friend alex. This was shot through a glass panel at a book store how about that!!! The power of polariser!!!
Same thing here for this spider-man comic book
A thinking pose
I am very happy my fren Yim decided to lend me his 50mm 1.8/f lens. This lens can be quite useful for producing a good bukkeh(background blur) But for head shots, subjects head then to be a bit rounder thus making them look "fat". After much experimenting I found it work best when taking heads and shoulders or up to waist length for portraits. I have also tried taking still life pics using the lens. I still find sigma 17-70mm f/2.8 to be versatile enough for many occasions. But a zoom lens is a must for me to add in my repertoire of ever expanding camera equipment. Below are some photos...
It's really getting a bit boring using Alex as my model all the time when I tried out my new gear. (I can't really tried out stuff during assignments t00) Guess what? Alex recommended a good fren of his to become our model. I am so grateful she came, any more pictures of Alex and people might think that we are gay. Here are some pics of our model (Name cannot be disclosed for security reasons). Guys, don't even think about it. I will personally "hantam" you if you try to be funny!!! Hi, if you are reading this and wants the photos to be taken down. Just drop me a message in the comment page or chat box ya!

Deep in thought